Data Migration is an important part of almost all CRM-related projects. This makes it crucial to use best data migration practices, as data is a game changer here.
What Makes Data Migration so Important:
No business should undervalue the power of data. Having incomplete means low or no acceptance of CRM application, and can lead to business-harming effects.
Data processing must be done very carefully, and the most important step is to verify the validity of data, along with checking that the data is free of delicacy. We know that preparing data is a time-consuming process and takes a lot of effort. Also, migrating data from your present system into the CRM system is again a time-consuming task, but it has to be done correctly, so it can bring a lot of positives for your business.
Things to Consider When Planning Salesforce Data Migration:
1. Sources of data
2. Use of the data
3. what information do you want to move to Salesforce
4. Removal of duplicate data
5. Making a checklist of important data
6. Is there a requirement of adding any extra custom fields
7. If you need any other type of data transformations
8. Checking the data for completeness
Tips to Make Salesforce Data Migration Easy for You:
1. Create a proper plan for data migration.
2. Test the CRM before you start data migration
3. Make sure to back up your data before starting data migration.
4. Clean the data, which includes the removal of duplicate and unnecessary data.
5. Identify the data (Leads, Opportunities, Contact, and Accounts etc.) which is crucial for ongoing business.
6. Create and Map data fields that are relevant.
7. Import record Legacy IDs to populate them into a custom field in all CRM records.
8. It is important for you to ensure the proper association records.
9. Quality analysis is an important part of the process, which must include data integrity, validation of fields and record counts.
10. Explore the correctness of the migrated data for the next couple of months.
These types of practices are useful for Salesforce data migration, they may look little higher on cost end to you and may take a little extra time, but will result in a proper running CRM system with increased rate of user adoption. Doing this will result into easier availability of data for all your business purpose.
If you are seeking a Salesforce data migration expert, contact Webuters.